India’s LVM3 Rocket Lifts Off With 36 OneWeb Satellites

Achievers News: India’s LVM3 rocket on Sunday lifted off with 36 satellites of the UK-based “OneWeb” from the rocket port here.

The 43.5-metre tall LVM3 rocket that weighs 643 ton is carrying 36 satellites, totally weighing 5,805 kg or about 5.8 ton. It blasted off from the second launch pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 9 a.m.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has named the mission as LVM3-M3/OneWeb India-2 Mission.

The LVM3 (formerly GSLV-Mk III) is a three-stage rocket with the first stage fired with liquid fuel, the two strap on motors powered by solid fuel, the second by liquid fuel and the third is the cryogenic engine.

The ISRO’s heavy lift rocket has a carrying capacity of 10 ton to the low earth orbit (LEO) and four ton to the Geo Transfer Orbit (GTO).

The LVM3 had five consecutive successful missions, including the Chandrayaan-2 mission, till now.

Just more than 19 minutes into the rocket’s flight, the separation of 36 satellites of Network Access Associated Ltd. (OneWeb) in LEO will begin.

The satellites will be placed into a 450-km circular orbit with an inclination of 87.4 degrees.

If the mission is successful, the total number of foreign satellites launched by India would go up to 422 starting from 1999.

This will be the OneWeb’s final instalment of 36 Gen1 satellites. Once the mission is successful, the UK company backed by India’s Bharti Group and the UK government will have 618 satellites orbiting in space. OneWeb has 582 satellites now in orbit.

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